Tuesday, December 18, 2012

gift wrapping

I want to thank everyone who volunteered to gift wrap tonight. The club made $600 which will go a long way towards club supplies. Great job everyone.

As a reminder the next club practice is January 6 in Bryant Pond, Maine. Let me know if you have any questions.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Gift Wrapping and next practice

Dec 18 from 3pm - 9pm SMBC will be gift wrapping at LL Bean.
We need a couple more volunteers from 3 to 5. Though if you want to help at any time please stop by LL Bean between 3 and 9pm. We will be right inside the main entrance by the big Bean boot.

The next club practice will be Sunday January 6 from 10am to 2pm at the Univ. of Maine Conservation camp in Bryant Pond.  I will need at least a couple parent volunteers to help make this practice happen. Let me know if you can help.