Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dry Fire

Dryfire program SMBC

Safety first!

Always point rifle in a safe direction. Never point it at anyone!

Always treat the rifle as if it was loaded

Never point the rifle at anything you do not want to destroy

When leaving the live fire range, make sure all magazines are unloaded, extra round holders are empty and all ammo is separate from rifle case. New IBU rule!!!

Before entering dryfire room, make sure no ammo is in the magazines or on the rifle.

When dryfiring, keep ammo in a separate room

Discuss with your parents the proper location in your house for this activity. Contact a coach if you have questions.


20 minutes 5 days per week. When dryfiring, only fire from the half-cocked position on the bolt.

Day 1 Series of 2 minute holds on the target. Get in position. Relax. Find your Natural Point of Aim first, Sight Alignment second and perfect Sight Picture last. Prone then standing.

Day 2 Series of 20 prone then 20 standing full range procedure one shot drills. Use unloaded magazines to practice mag switches. If space or equipment does not allow for this, do more drills with a complete break in position between each. Focus first on perfect alignment toward target then work on speed!

Day 3 Series of 2 minute holds on the target. Aiming and Breathing focus. Focus on front sight as it moves up and down naturally with breathing. Exhale should end perfectly on the target. Movement in prone should be a straight line up and down. Movement in standing should be smooth and rounded. Try holding your breath at various intervals to hold perfectly on the target. When is the movement the most still? When does it finally break down?

Day 4 Series of 2 minute holds on the target. Adjust finger position on the trigger to the finger nail area. The trigger finger should not touch anything else on the rifle but the trigger. Following a two breath cadence, close your eyes, take up the first stage (the floppy part) and smoothly squeeze straight back until shot is fired. Time the shot so it comes after an exhale and during a held breath. Second half of workout with eyes open and watch for any movement during or after trigger squeeze (can’t blink). Where does the follow thru go? Try prone and standing.

Day 5 Perform 8-12 perfect stages with imagery training. Close your eyes. Imagine* the perfect stage. Get in position and perform the perfect stage. Close your eyes and quickly analyze the stage for any deviation from what you perceive as perfect. Repeat.

*Take any re-occurring issues you have during races or training and imagine them to be solved and perfect and done correctly. Only pick one to work on per stage.

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