Monday, August 2, 2010

Biathlon Camp: Wednesday

Drew and Tom mid-jump

Seth and Connor
speed ball, Carter takes down Jack from behind
speed ball game

Wednesday started early with a walk/jog/stretch led by Joel. After breakfast we hiked up to the lodge for a rollerski. Everyone worked on technique, particularly balance, and the high school skiers did video with coach James as well. Everyone jumped in the river after the workout to cool off. After lunch we drove back up to the lodge for shooting practice. The high school athletes shot .22's with James and some of the MWSC athletes, and the middle school athletes shot air rifles with Mike, Joel, and Connor. The air rifle shooters did relays. After a long shooting session, we had a giant game of speedball. Then everyone swam again, had dinner, and played a game of soccer until it got dark.

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